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Post by RecreationalEgodeath »

Dawn666 wrote: Tue May 10, 2022 6:24 pm But did you have the PC game for it? :lol:
I don't think I ever owned it but I was around when it came out and I think it was a sort of C's make degrees kind of game. First person shooter feeling like a strange choice for something like WoT but in retrospect, gaming was sort of stymied at the time. AAA games now wouldn't do right by it either, in my opinion.

I tried to move back to House of Leaves to read on my vacation but I got exactly zero rest during this time (which is why I vanished for a week in general lmao) so now I don't know what I'm reading. Might try again, might read something else.
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Post by Dawn666 »

I read 4 chapters of Hocus Pocus. But I got interrupted by a whole bunch of things, like a sudden tornado that killed the power for a day, and then I've been binge watching a ton of movies on my massive screen. Will get back to it soon.

I've yet to get the to supposed premise of the book, where someone dies every time he has sex. It's written (in character) on a bunch of pieces of scrap paper, like a paragraph at a time, while he waits for trial in a big library. He's tearing pages out of books and etc to get scraps of paper to keep writing. So It's like a novel written as a long twitter thread. :) Very interesting.

edit: Also looks like it's about to be made into a movie.
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Post by RecreationalEgodeath »

So earlier I tried to sit down with House of Leaves which I've read before but it's been years now and I pull it down and get a little while in and stop, try again, get a little farther, stop. I love this book but it's not working. So I pull out the Conversations with William Gibson because I feel like maybe the only way out is through and I'm just gonna Gibson until I really don't want to anymore and I guess it's working because I'm 100 pages away from the end, and the collection is absolutely fascinating - especially the older stuff - and I'm like.

I've read twenty years of interviewers making the same observations and asking the same questions and talking about Neuromancer so I feel like Gibson himself must be equally tired of some of this. But hands down so far is the interview with Timothy Leary about a decade before Leary died where Leary's talking about how he was thrown into solitary and that's where he read Gravity's Rainbow lmao.
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Post by Domitilla »

omgjaxbee wrote: Mon May 09, 2022 9:33 am I work a lot and always have something going on, so I rarely have time to physically read anymore. I've been listening to audio books for years now when I am driving to and from work and things like that. I really enjoy it, and it scratches that itch for me. My tastes lean more into fantasy rather than literature though. I absolutely love Brandon Sanderson.
Another Sanderfan here! I'm very excited for next year. I backed the Year of Sanderson on kickstarter because I wanted the sick cover designs. I mean, just look at these:

I listened to a lot of audiobooks at my previous job because I didn't need my brain to be completely engaged. After I quit I haven't had nearly as much time where my hands are engaged but my mind isn't. Oh wow, according to Audible I have a total listen time of over month. Some of the stories I listened to:
  • Basically everything Brandon Sanderson has released (apart from the Wheel of Time)
  • Dresden Files (all but the final book)
  • Bobiverse series by Dennis E. Taylor
  • Lord of the Rings (I had a hard time trying to actually read LoTR, but listening to it was great)
  • 1984
  • Breach of Peace, by Daniel B. Greene
  • Fablehaven 1-5
  • Revenge of the Witch by Joseph Delaney
  • He Who Fights with Monsters: A LitRPG Adventure (this one was kind of fun, not sure I would recommend it unless you are trying to burn time)
  • Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan
Guess that's not super impressive now that I've listed it out, but I do miss having a job I can just zone out at.
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