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so anyone else humps their shark here
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do not the shårk!!!


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I can't own one, I'm still traumatized from 2015.


i hump it n kiss it while jacking off


absolutely! i love making out with it as i fall asleep

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mods are asleep, post snot



Mods are awake now.

I wouldn't have said it was my thing, but I get the appeal now. Very cum or drool like. 10/10 cute girl cute gif.





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Feel free to post any off topic porn here :3
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This thread got taken over by game dev talk, so it's a game development thread now!

I'll make another one for actual game playing.
89 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


What's going on with "Elite Hacker: Retro Hacking Evolution Transgender Team Battlegrounds Fortress Keywords"?

Is it stuck in Steam review queue?



I went and added the finger bones for the player model into the game and Unreal's animation retargeter won't let me select them so I can plays animations on them. Taking a bit of a break until steam stops rising from my ears.


I finally got around to submitting YET ANOTHER build of the hacking game for review on steam. Totally scrapped the whole love2d + rapidexe thing and just have it running using phpdesktop now (so it looked even more like the online version).

I played it all the way through without any issue (or none that I didn't fix along the way anyways), so hopefully it'll work for whoever at steam gets assigned to testing it.



Just released yet another game on steam too :3

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Baiken/Guilty Gear thread

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BoringKate is so cool! You should jack off to her!
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I'd love to fuck those tits


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God damn, I wish I could have had you as my babysitter growing up.

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Pyrope Edition


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What did you think about this months upd8?


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It was pretty good, I loved the mayhem and Yiffy rocks.


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I can contribute to this one!


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god the vriska updates have been fucking amazing. real traumatized trannys rise up.

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Did anyone else learn to goon from Kate?

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you know its true, she is best girl

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The old video game thread got taken over by game dev stuff, so this is the new one.
Been playing anything cool lately?
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looks like I'm finally getting around to playing disco elysium. it's a shame it's taken me this long to try again because it's clearly a work of art. I know by the time I finish it, it'll easily be one of my top 10.


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So proud of you. 😭 You do "know how to do the game" after all.


I did it! I did the game!


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Counter-strike 1.6
All other games are soy


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Got this on my feed yesterday.

Secret THPS3 character found after 20 years.

And then ported over to Xbox version

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