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you know its true, she is best girl

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The old video game thread got taken over by game dev stuff, so this is the new one.
Been playing anything cool lately?
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looks like I'm finally getting around to playing disco elysium. it's a shame it's taken me this long to try again because it's clearly a work of art. I know by the time I finish it, it'll easily be one of my top 10.


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So proud of you. 😭 You do "know how to do the game" after all.


I did it! I did the game!


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Counter-strike 1.6
All other games are soy


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Got this on my feed yesterday.

Secret THPS3 character found after 20 years.

And then ported over to Xbox version

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I can’t be the only transfem who wants to show off all the changes from E, right?
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bad quality but took this while stoned at my girlfriend's apartment the other day, its incredible how much being with someone who thinks you're hot lets you realize how hot you are


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Boobs Good


sorry but you aren't close to being hot like goddess Kate


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This is your goddess speaking: All trans women are breedable angels and should never be slighted. Hotness isn't a competition. It's a celebration.

Having two hot girls doesn't mean you have a decision to make. It means you're having a threesome.

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are you ready for the weekend?

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Ak47 rifle

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I'm looking for something not huge, expensive, or realistic. you might call it a "starter" dildo, or a "warmup" dildo. any recommendations?


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Something like a Cole dual density in the 5" size might be farther along than you want but it's pretty close to start size for some. Early2Bed sells them for about 30 bucks and they're realistic-ish but I don't know if that's a drawback.

They come in different colors - blue, pink, white, black, etc. Importantly, they're silicone which means they're well made. They also have a Cole Classic that's 4" instead of 5 if that's less intimidating.


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I just got a 9 inch long, 1.5 inch thick one with a suction cup from amazon. Can ride it on the floor, use it manually, or doggy it. It's a good catch-all.

I sometimes ponder a giant monster tentacle, but I worry what that might do to me. ^_^

Whatever you get, I would recommend it at least has some texturing on it. The little bumps on the veins and the head are what trigger all your nerves inside and feel good. Especially after a prolonged session when you get all swollen and super sensitive!

If you NEED something to warm up with, amazon has these like cheap 5 packs (in different sizes) of tapered silicon plugs you can get. (see attached pic)


I got the Cole in pink primarily for oral fun its quite good esp with a flavoured lube. Its also good for backdoor adventures not too thick or bendy

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What've you all been listening to lately? Hours is not really Bowie's best fwiw but I don't think I'd ever heard the whole thing. I don't know that I hated it but the 90s were real hit and miss for him.


ween the mollusk, very good album I can see why it's their most popular. also really into remain in light for like the 4th time.


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 No.187[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Terrible, Terrible, Terrible aka Habits was a comic made by Lauren Monger from 2013-2017
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That's all folks!

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Watch anything cool lately?
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The most recent Monster High animated series is cute af + the Frankenstein monster babe is canonically trans (and played by trans people both in the animated series and in the live action movies)!

Pretty dope by the standards of glorified commercials made for toddlers!


I'm watching Hackers for the first time because of the game.

This movie is buzzword city, and removing the bezel from the guy's monitor to find 'the hidden file' is ridiculous.

I don't think these guys have even used a computer before. They just downloaded a jargon file from somewhere and wrote a story around it.

Also, I had a good laugh in the opening scene with the big red letters in that 'you wouldn't download a car' font from those famous PSAs.

Let's see where this goes.


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Okay that was great! Peak 90s.


>You hooked it up to the phone, didn't you?


They added the new Silent Hill tv series to tubi and I tried to watch it, but it's horrible beyond belief.They let the viewers vote on the outcome of things and had the episodes ready a week later. It shows.

It looks like a PS2 game pre-rendered cut scene, and the character dialogue sounds like it came out of a text-to-speech program. They don't even emote when they talk.


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Bailey Jay pics and gifs pls


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She's so dreamy!


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Something is wrong with the pipes…

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